Multi Coloured Decking Design
Hana was looking for the perfect materials for her garden showcasing the beauty of recycled materials. The garden concept was inspired by the excess of plastic packaging used in horticulture, particularly non-recyclable plant pots and compost bags. It is a space that is made of recycled plastic but is also green and beautiful. Showcasing how to playfully use recycled plastic and contemporary landscaping materials. To bring this vision to life all the materials used in the garden had to be both visually capitating and incorporate recycled plastic. Making EnviroBuild decking the perfect choice.

The Solution
Hana choose Hyperion Explorer and Frontier Composite Decking in all colours to create a stunning decking design to act as the centrepiece of her garden. Hyperion Composite decking is made up of at least 87% off recycled materials (varying on the range) making it the perfect choice to bring the gardens vision to life. The decking used in this project has helped divert s 679 kgs of plastic from landfill which is the equivalent of 35,652 plastic bottles.

Customer Feedback
“I chose EnviroBuild because of their environmental credentials, high recycled content in their product and their commitment to sustainability. The fact that their decking and cladding comes in a variety of nice colours and finishes was just an added bonus that allowed me to create a more eye-catching design.”

Project Details
Size: 12sqm
Product: Hyperion Frontier Decking in all colours, Hyperion Explorer Decking in all colours, Hyperion Pioneer Cladding in all colours
Cladding Case Study: here
Designer: Hana Lenord
Installer: Armstrong Landscapes Ltd
Location: Hampton Court
Garden room: Alfresco Arch
Wildflower turf: George Davies Turf