EnviroBuild joins the World Land Trust’s Carbon Balanced Programme
EnviroBuild are delighted to announce that we have joined the World Land Trust’s Carbon Balanced programme, which enables individuals and organisations to offset their residual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through protection and restoration of carbon-rich wildlife habitats in the tropics.

What Is the Carbon Balanced Programme?
World Land Trust’s Carbon Balanced Programme is a voluntary action demonstrating corporate commitment to addressing climate change and threatened biodiversity through credible conservation projects.
Carbon offsetting is a process whereby an individual or a business takes action to prevent the release of emissions elsewhere or secures the absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide as part of a wider approach to measure, reduce, and then offset, emissions through impactful conservation projects. All Carbon Balanced projects are carefully designed according to robust standards that ensure offsets are delivered at a portfolio of sites where they are measurable, verifiable, and properly monitored.

What does this mean for EnviroBuild?
EnviroBuild will be annually audited (1st Jan - 31st Dec) by the World Land Trust to calculate the carbon our employees create in the workforce. We then pay for this to be balanced. World Land Trust will use the funds contributed by EnviroBuild to protect and restore threatened forest in key areas of conservation importance, preventing CO₂ emissions and enhancing the carbon they store. EnviroBuild is pledging to offset carbon emissions resulting from electricity generation, fuel and water use, along with business travel, associated with its general operations going forward for both the office and for working from home, and has retroactively backdated this to 1st January 2021 onwards.

Who Are World Land Trust?
World Land Trust is an international conservation charity that protects the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats acre by acre. Through a network of partner organisations around the world, World Land Trust funds the creation of reserves and provides permanent protection for habitats and wildlife. Partnerships are developed with established and highly respected local organisations who engage support and commitment among the local community.

Why Offset Emissions?
Human emissions of greenhouse gasses, including carbon dioxide from households, cars, flights and habitat destruction are leading to global temperature rise and anthropogenic climate change. This has a severe impact on human systems, including increased flooding, landslides, threats to food and water security and health. Eco systems are adversely affected through changes in species range and abundance, with climate change negatively impacting the threats that already occur and species’ adaptability to said threats.
Each and every one of us must take responsibility for our own impact on the climate. By reducing carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, Carbon Balancing is addressing the effect of increased GHG emissions on the climate while contributing to wildlife conservation.

To find our more about the steps EnviroBuild take to become a more sustainable business see our sustainability and impact pages.